1. Website Content
Access to and use of this website presuppose the user’s acceptance of the terms and conditions described below. Thecompany BEELT CONSTRUÇÃO, LDA (hereinafter Beelt), with registered office at Rua Joshua Benoliel, 1 – 2C, 1250-273 Lisboa, with the single company registration number 507 121 392, responsible for the property, does not guaranteethat the information, contents and materials presented herein are free from errors, omissions or inaccuracies, whichwill be corrected as they are detected and at Beelt’s convenience. Furthermore, periodic changes will be made to theinformation, contents and materials contained in this website, which are the sole responsibility of Beelt.
The content of this website is intended only to provide general information. Beelt will not be liable for any damagesresulting from the use of the information contained in this website. The content of this website is not intended tobe or replace a contract or warranty, nor does Beelt, through the content presented herein, intend to provide anykind of warranty, express or implicit, in relation to the service offered. All marketing and advertising materialscontained in this website do not constitute a proposal for service, offer or commitment for sale by Beelt, and Beeltmay withdraw from any dealings with any prospective customer arising out of or in any way related to the informationor data provided in this website.
2. Liability
Under no circumstances shall Beelt or its partners, employees, representatives or suppliers be liable for any damagesor claims by third parties, including but not limited to any damages resulting in loss of profits, revenue or othersimilar losses, whether in contract, performance or otherwise resulting from the use or inability to use thematerials available on this site.
3. Personal use and intellectual property rights
Use of this website must be for lawful and legitimate purposes only. Any use of the content of this website, otherthan simply downloading it and/or storing it temporarily for the purpose of viewing it on a personal computer, isexpressly prohibited, except with Beelt’s express consent.
The user may download one copy of the information contained on this website to one computer for home andnon-commercial use, but is not allowed to copy, use, modify, distribute, reverse engineer or otherwise exploitcopyrights or proprietary rights available on this website, except with the express consent of Beelt. Use of anysoftware available on this site for download is subject to the terms of the applicable license agreement thataccompanies or is included with the software. All trademarks and/or other trade names included on this site are thetrademarks of their respective owners and their unauthorized use is expressly prohibited. Unauthorized use orreproduction of site content or use of site content in violation of these terms and conditions may result inviolation of trademark, copyright or other reserved rights, as well as provisions of civil and criminal law.
4. Indemnification
You agree to indemnify Beelt and its partners, employees, representatives or suppliers for any claims, losses,liabilities, damages and expenses (including attorneys’ fees) arising out of or related to your unlawful use of thiswebsite and its content.
5. Data protection
Use of the website depends on the user’s acceptance, without any reservations, of the conditions described herein.All personal data collected will be processed in compliance with the provisions of the General Data ProtectionRegulation (GDPR), in order to ensure the confidentiality and security of the personal data provided. Beelt is theentity responsible for collecting and processing the personal data it collects, being obliged to use them only forthe purposes described and in compliance with the applicable rules.
As part of its activity, Beelt collects and processes personal data necessary for the provision of services and thepursuit of its commercial activity. The personal data collected is intended for the management of the contractualrelationship, the provision of the contracted services, the adaptation of the services to the needs and interests ofthe Customer, information actions, marketing, among other purposes. Any form in this website allows the registrationin the newsletter database according to the principles referred to in this point.
Beelt handles the users’ personal data in a transparent and lawful way, only for the purposes described above.Nevertheless, the user’s personal data may be processed for other specific, explicit and legitimate purposes,provided that the user’s express consent is obtained.
Beelt keeps the personal data collected only for the minimum period necessary for the purposes for which they werecollected.
By providing personal data, the user is consenting to the collection and use by Beelt in accordance with the rulesset out herein, namely to not use information relating to users and that has been provided by them without theirpermission, except for the purposes for which it is intended.
The data subject may access their personal data at any time, as well as oppose its use, rectify, update and/or modifyit, request the portability of their data to a third party entity, or request the elimination of their personaldata, upon written request addressed to Beelt, with the address Rua Joshua Benoliel, 1 – 2C, 1250-273 Lisboa.
6. Cookies Policy
Beelt is committed to ensuring and protecting the privacy of website users and to complying with its obligationsunder the Data Protection Act. Beelt’s Privacy and Cookies Policy explains how any personal information that usersprovide when using this website will be treated. It also contains a description of Beelt’s use of Internet cookiesand some security measures used to protect users’ privacy.
When the user registers on the site, the information chosen to fill out the forms on the site will be stored. Thisinformation will be gathered and processed to efficiently monitor any transactions, as well as to develop andimprove the services provided. Aggregate information may be used to monitor the use of services and to help Beeltdevelop and improve the site. Aggregate information and statistics, however, do not include details that can be usedto identify users. All cookies can be disabled through your browser options:
7. Applicable Law
These terms and conditions are subject to Portuguese law. For any dispute arising from the application of these Termsand Conditions, a court in the region of Lisbon will be chosen. Beelt reserves the right to add, delete or modifythese terms, in whole or in part, at any time, with or without notice.
8. Questions and suggestions
The user may contact Beelt about any questions related to the terms of use and treatment of their personal datathrough the following contacts